Words to fit your needs

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Posts tagged Job search
It’s a numbers game. Or is it?

Ask any group of people about searching for a job, and the one thing you’ll hear more than all other answers combined is that it’s a numbers game. Apply for everything and eventually you’ll have your day in the sun. Optimistic; keep at it and you’ll find a job.

What never gets factored into this optimistic outlook is the dependence on the part of human resources departments on keywords. You might possess the skills an employer wants, but if you don’t use one of their specific words in your resume, cover letter, or application then Gandalf steps in, shouting, “you shall not pass!” What’s worse, hiding keywords in your resume, say by using the smallest font size possible and changing the color of the text, is a frowned-upon practice. In other words, success depends on using a specific word.

I suppose technically it’s still a numbers game. But now, the number you need to hit is exponentially higher depending on how many keywords they use and how many you use.

What’s a job seeker to do? Is it acceptable to submit multiple resumes using different keywords? Or is it better to submit a resume that might be 3-4 pages long, filled with every possible keyword one can think of? And should job seekers even bother with a cover letter?

I’m not asking for a friend. I’m asking for me.

I have a resume that showcases the different styles and audiences I have written for. I have freelancing on my resume, photography, and videography. I have social media experience. I show adaptation and the ability to respond to critical situations. I have years of experience. I have volunteer experience. I am highly educated, with two master’s degrees. To boot, I identify as one or more types of protected veteran and I do a killer interview. I’m a generalist, so I write whatever someone needs written.

What do I lack? Am I too old? Am I too expensive? Should I take off my advanced degrees? What, exactly, is the number I need to hit before I’m given a chance?

Somebody, anybody, help me out here. I’m getting to the point that I’m seriously considering signing on with Shopify or some other gig economy job just to bring in any amount of income.

Ugh. This is killing me.